Friday, May 3, 2013

Learn about the benefits of bananas in Weight Loss ..

Some believe that the diet banana is the shortest way to lose weight and get the body limber, where experts confirmed that eating Mozfa breakfast by table food diet banana helps to hormone secretion "Alchollstukenn" which sends a signal to the nervous system to alert the gut satiety and refrain from eating food.
Table banana diet
Benefits of bananas to reduce excess weight:
Success depends banana diet Mozaalyfoaúd regime food, namely:
- The ability to improve the processes of digestion and metabolism.
- Promote a feeling of fullness to contain bananas on a high percentage of resistant starch.
- Prevent the absorption of certain types of carbohydrates.
Banana diet schedule:
- Breakfast: banana and one or more until the feeling of satiety cup of lukewarm water.
- Lunch: any meal of the individual's choice.
- Snack: is a snack at three o'clock in the afternoon, with a small eating a piece of candy in the case of hunger.
- Dinner: Eat what you respond, this meal to your personal choice, but provided they are eating this meal before eight o'clock in the evening with no dessert.
Pros banana diet:
- Eating Mozfa and breakfast increases the burning of calories as it stimulates metabolism, and reduces the likelihood of overeating throughout the day.
- Works to reduce drinking caffeine at breakfast in the banana diet to stabilize the level of sugar in the blood and reduce appetite.
- Refrain from eating after eight o'clock in the evening in the banana diet; reduces the desire to eat foods rich in calories and high fat.
- Reduce the calories and so avoid eating dairy products and sweets.
- Banana gives a feeling of satiety and fullness in order to contain a lot of fiber, potassium, vitamin C by 6.
Cons banana diet
Some nutrition experts believe that the banana diet are some drawbacks, including:
- Reduce the percentage of sugar in the blood due to the lack of carbohydrate intake, leads to the vulnerability of people who suffer from hypoglycemia.
- Do not encourage exercise.
Honey, regardless of eating Bananas breakfasts in, it must refrain from eating after eight o'clock at night and sleep early before midnight, because there are many scientific studies confirm the existence of a relationship between sleep deprivation and obesity.

Mental exercise enhanced weight loss strategies

Describes a study sponsored by the University of California, the American-centric "to talk with the self" that 
more than 80% of the people of respondents speak with themselves in a negative way work against their interests and have a negative impact on their goals to lose weight! The results indicate that the negative talk with the self may cause more than 75% of chronic diseases (obesity, blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis and some types of cancer). And concludes that what the conscious mind sends thoughts, whether positive or negative, received by the subconscious and deal with it as a proven fact!

Proving experts weight loss study of the University of California through a negative experience to talk with the self, content: "I Imru religion and I can not exercise or control the eating," Vistntjon that the unconscious mind receives this message and treats it as a reality of constant can not be changed, which explains the failure of the majority of diets aimed at weight loss.

The most important mental exercise enhanced weight loss strategies:

Building a positive self-image
Experts advise should be removed from said Song negative after the word "I" for its role negative impact on the body's energy, as they claim to the dimension from the use of the word "but" because it cancels the earlier of the positive things, and often be what followed negative, similar to the phrase "I want to lose weight , but I can not exercise! ". Perhaps what makes it worse is to continue to repeat those negative words, what makes it turn into a belief is growing stronger with the passage of time and rooted in a very deep place in the unconscious mind, and therefore be very difficult to change.
Therefore, experts advise exercise mental exercises aimed to replace those negative self-images with positive ones and re-programmed again in the unconscious mind, by doing the following steps:

- Choose a quiet and secluded place of the house and sit in a position to relax for at least 20 minutes.
- Breathe deeply by doing exercise breathing "4 _ 2 _ 8" which is based on taking a deep breath in the form of inspiration rate of 4 times, and keep a pair of them inside the lungs for a longer period, then take it out in the form of exhalation rate multiplier and longer than the inhalation. In this context, suggests a study issued recently by the Center for Prevention and Disease Control in the United States that the burning of fat cells the body and disposed of directly linked to actively lungs, as researchers find that the contraction of the size of the lungs leads to increased amounts of fat that is stored on the tissues of the body because of the lack Fully metabolism as a result of lack of oxygen in the body.
- Turn a blind eye for a period ranging from 5 to 10 minutes, and begin to imagine the shape of the body after getting rid of excess weight and wear clothes smaller size.
- Think of people around impressions, whether family or work and admiration of those positive results on weight.
- Back to reality gradually, has a new self-image is printed in the unconscious mind.
- Starting in the preparation of the list of the tools and methods that enable access to the ideal weight (consult an expert in weight loss and determine the athletic program), with the exclusion of the bad habits that negatively affect the weight and ask for support from those around.
- To promote a positive image of the same, you should keep a daily ledger identify where changes in weight as a result of the exercise of these mental exercises.

Get rid of bad habits

Experts agree that the habits, in general, the ideas begin human mind Btejelha and associated with certain feelings by repeating to talk about it with the self, which are then stored in the brain and turn it into a well-established beliefs and automatic system in everyday life. And advised, in this context, the exercise of mental steps promote positive behaviors acquisition of and get rid of bad habits, are:

1 - Determine the unwanted behavior and want to get rid of it (excessive intake of soft drinks and candy, for example).
2 - Find things at least five negative may result from the exercise of this bad behavior (weight gain and bad mood and ashamed of your body shape, isolation and increase the sense of melancholy, as a result of excessive soft drinks and dessert).
3 - Imagine your body shape when you do this behavior (imagine eating a piece of candy or sipping a soft drink and stop the mind at this picture.)
4 - To magnify this image and make it perfectly clear to the conscious mind, bearing in mind all the negative feelings associated with them.
5 - to focus attention on the exclusion of negative behavior and positive behavior and then rounded the word "instead of" out loud.
6 - repeat this exercise several times in order to reach the stage of deep resentment and pain associated with the subconscious mind, not this negative behavior happens again.
7 - should be the replacement process very quickly, not slowly, as it may be better to help someone else playing the role of psychological support by encouraging the use of certain phrases that will help the transition to the sensations bad habits and refused to stop it altogether.

Herbal how to lose weight

Crushed black bean even become soft spoon such as flour and then placed in boiling water for fifteen minutes and then drink once the morning and once before the evening meal for two months and you'll see a wonder.

Soak the paper mulberry and drink twice before eating for two months.

Am grapefruit juice helps to lose weight.

- Taken from the Centre apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink on an empty stomach and before going to sleep for two months.

Take a tablespoon of ground sage and boil a liter of water for twenty minutes and drink three times a day before eating.

If you drink lemon juice on an empty stomach Center has helped to lose weight.

- A lot of eating cabbage reduces paper weight.

A lot of eating a banana reduces weight.

National soaking fifty grams of dried grape leaves in the shade in a liter of water and then placed on the fire to boil for half a minute and then left in the water for fifteen minutes and then filtered and sweetened drink three cups a day before eating for a month, and you'll see the wonder

Lose weight and get rid of fat

Some studies have shown recently that the water of great benefit in reducing weight and getting rid of fat, which helped to spread and create what is known as the "water diet", which helps to get rid of excess weight without affected by chemical reactions within the body.

The importance of diet water:
The idea of ​​diet water depends on eating 4 cups of water - to be the capacity of each cup about a quarter liter - in the morning on an empty stomach with not eating any food, but after 45 minutes, taking into account not eating any foods or drinks during the two hours following each meal .

Diet water helps to burn large amounts of fat, and by raising the level of metabolism, also prefer to replace the soda water with water as this helps to dispense a large amount of calories.

Works to drink water before eating for 45 minutes to reduce the human appetite making deals with a small amount of food is also working to prevent the deposition of fat in the body because the water works to remove a large amount of fat out of the body especially fats that cause obesity.

Beware dear intake of water during the food so as not to be waterproof reverse effect.

Misconceptions about diet water:
Think many women that drinking warm water will help you lose weight and burn fat faster than cold water, but this is a mistake, as confirmed specialists that cold water helps to lose weight more effectively than warm water because the body adjusts temperature immediately after receiving any liquids, when eating cold water, the body immediately raise the temperature with a high burn rate.