Friday, May 3, 2013

Learn about the benefits of bananas in Weight Loss ..

Some believe that the diet banana is the shortest way to lose weight and get the body limber, where experts confirmed that eating Mozfa breakfast by table food diet banana helps to hormone secretion "Alchollstukenn" which sends a signal to the nervous system to alert the gut satiety and refrain from eating food.
Table banana diet
Benefits of bananas to reduce excess weight:
Success depends banana diet Mozaalyfoaúd regime food, namely:
- The ability to improve the processes of digestion and metabolism.
- Promote a feeling of fullness to contain bananas on a high percentage of resistant starch.
- Prevent the absorption of certain types of carbohydrates.
Banana diet schedule:
- Breakfast: banana and one or more until the feeling of satiety cup of lukewarm water.
- Lunch: any meal of the individual's choice.
- Snack: is a snack at three o'clock in the afternoon, with a small eating a piece of candy in the case of hunger.
- Dinner: Eat what you respond, this meal to your personal choice, but provided they are eating this meal before eight o'clock in the evening with no dessert.
Pros banana diet:
- Eating Mozfa and breakfast increases the burning of calories as it stimulates metabolism, and reduces the likelihood of overeating throughout the day.
- Works to reduce drinking caffeine at breakfast in the banana diet to stabilize the level of sugar in the blood and reduce appetite.
- Refrain from eating after eight o'clock in the evening in the banana diet; reduces the desire to eat foods rich in calories and high fat.
- Reduce the calories and so avoid eating dairy products and sweets.
- Banana gives a feeling of satiety and fullness in order to contain a lot of fiber, potassium, vitamin C by 6.
Cons banana diet
Some nutrition experts believe that the banana diet are some drawbacks, including:
- Reduce the percentage of sugar in the blood due to the lack of carbohydrate intake, leads to the vulnerability of people who suffer from hypoglycemia.
- Do not encourage exercise.
Honey, regardless of eating Bananas breakfasts in, it must refrain from eating after eight o'clock at night and sleep early before midnight, because there are many scientific studies confirm the existence of a relationship between sleep deprivation and obesity.

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